Once in a lifetime, the Fortean buff may investigate that particular situation that would make a believer out of anyone. The phenomena usually manifests itself in a ludicrous fashion. That is, the witness may observe anything from hairy giants to river trolls. The witnesses are credible persons with high respect in their communities, yet they explain encounters with the most incomprehensible of apparitions.
One of the strangest cases we have on file is that of an
amphibian known to the locals as the Loveland Frog. The strange
little beastie was observed by two local policemen, whom we
shall call Officers Williams and Johnson (pseudonynms).
The first account was during the cold night of March 3, 1972 at 1:00 AM. Officer Williams was driving towards Loveland, Ohio on Riverside Road. He saw what looked like a dog by the side of the road. He stopped the patrol car and this animal stood up immediately when the headlights fell on its body. Williams realized that it was no dog! This creature looked at him for a few seconds, then turned and leaped over the guardrail and went down the embankment into the Little Miami River. The officer described the oddity as 3 to5 feet tall and about weighing between 50 and 75 pounds with a body of leathery textured skin. It had a face resembling a frog or lizard and it had glowing eyes.
Williams called dispatch and notified them of what happened and proceeded to the station. Later that night, he and Johnson returned to the area and investigated for clues. They did find soft evidence of something that had scraped the embankment into the river.
Two weeks later, Officer Johnson had a similar experience. While driving on the same road, he saw something lying in the middle of the road. As he opened his car door, it made a noise which caused this animal to raise up in a crouch position, much like football's defensive lineman. The creature began to half-walk, half-hobble over to the guardrail. However, this time the creature lifted its legs over the guardrail. It kept its eyes on Johnson with a funny smirk on its face.
Since they are alert individuals, their background on the force gives them the credibility needed to back up their statements. Williams told us that he wished this never had happened.
One aspect discussed at great length was the skin of the "lizard". The possibility was brought out by me that the textured skin could have been wet matted hair. Johnson thought he may have seen a tail, but was not sure.
The two policeman received much ridicule from the locals. In fact, their jobs were on the line for a while, but their co-workers believed their stories.
My attempt to show hoax was fruitless. Even if a hoaxer was to purchase a huge frog costume, how could this individual know exactly when the patrolmen were on course on Riverside Road? The temperature was about 20 degrees and the ground was partially frozen.
From Creature Chronicles No. 4, Autumn 1981
©1981 Ron Schaffner
Reprinted with permission of author
You can reach Ron Schaffner at